Early Childhood Education Survey
The Early Education Committee of the BTU has created this survey to instruct them on what services and supports are best suited to advocate for in the district. Please participate in this survey and feel free to add any feedback or items that you would like to see us advocate for at the end of the survey.

This survey is CONFIDENTIAL, please rest assured that no names or contact info will be shared or used outside of the BTU committee.
1. What grade do you teach? *
2. How many years have you been teaching Early Childhood in general?
3. How many years have you been teaching Early Childhood in BPS?
4. What is your current job title? *
5. How many students are you serving in your classroom? *
6. Please check the ways in which you feel supported in your classroom. *
7. What curriclum are you currently using in your classroom? *
8. My students Social Emotional needs are being met with...... *
 9. The curriculum used in my classroom is academically challenging for my students? *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
10. The curriclum is working to assist my students in hitting their required benchmarks? *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
11. Thinking about facilities. Please check the ways in which you feel equipped in your classroom/school:
12. Professional Development; please check the ways in which you feel supported: *
13. Please List other supports that you feel may be lacking in your classroom or school?
14. Please add any other comments or concerns you may have below:
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