Summer Survey 2024 
The Green Party of Vancouver is a municipal political party with elected representatives on Vancouver City Council, School Board, and Park Board. Founded in 1984, the party is guided by the four pillars of the global Green movement: environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice, and grassroots democracy. Vancouver Greens work with Green parties and like-minded organizations across British Columbia and Canada on progressive social, economic, and environmental policy while maintaining independent operations.

This survey is to get a temperature read on issues that matter most to Vancouverites, so that the GPV may understand and serve our constituents better.
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Please rate the importance of the following housing needs: *
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
How the city defines affordability
Affordability to buy housing
Affordability of rental housing
Availability of rental housing
Availability of co-op housing
Quality of housing
Family-friendly housing
Building new rental housing
Preserving existing affordable rental housing
Climate-smart new construction
Please rate the importance of the following livability aspects:
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Shops and services close to where I live
Affordable goods and services
Local serving amenities
World-class amenities
Access to greenspace and nature
Access to sunlight
Views of mountains
Fresh air
Cleanliness and management of street litter
Reducing the cost of living overall
Please rate the importance of the following economic factors:
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Vibrant and accessible business districts
Local serving business districts
Community-serving shops like corner stores
Less red tape for starting and operating businesses
Good value for municipal taxes
Lower residential property taxes
Please rate the importance of the following transportation needs:
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Safety for vulnerable road users
All ages and abilities (separated) bike routes
Slow residential streets (30km/h on roads without a centre line)
Reliable and frequent public transit
Safe public transit
Rapid public transit
Abundant public bike share
Abundant private micromobility share
Please rate the importance of addressing the following safety concerns:
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Random violence
Property crime
Vehicular violence (speeding and dangerous drivers, etc.)
Increase in policing resources
Increase in non-policing interventions (mental health workers)
Increase in Fire and Rescue services
Addressing the toxic drug crisis

Please rate the importance of the following aspects of parks and greenspace:

Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Availability of green spaces and parks
Maintenance and cleanliness of parks
Accessibility of parks for all residents
Development of new green spaces
Preservation of existing green spaces
Preservation and enhancement of tree canopy
Community Centres
Should the Park Board be abolished? *
Please rate the importance of the following for youth and families: *
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Availability of child care
Quality of public education
Safe recreational areas for children
Family-friendly community programs
Please rate the importance of the following arts and culture aspects:
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Support for local artists
Availability of cultural events and festivals
Access to arts education
Preservation of cultural heritage sites
Health and Equity

Please rate the importance of the following health and equity issues:

Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Access to healthcare services
Mental health support
Addressing homelessness
Ensuring affordable food access
Promoting racial and gender equity
Please rate the importance of the following city services and infrastructure: *
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Maintenance of roads and sidewalks
Waste management and recycling services
Public utilities (water, electricity)
Emergency response services
Sustainable infrastructure development
Please rate the importance of the following reconciliation efforts:
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Partnerships with Indigenous communities
Education on Indigenous history and culture
Preservation of Indigenous heritage sites
Support for Indigenous-led initiatives
Please rate the importance of the following governance aspects:
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Transparency in government decisions
Community involvement in decision-making
Accountability of elected officials
Efficient use of public funds
Additional comments
Are there any issues we did not address in this survey that you would like GPV's attention?
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