Smart Home for Individuals Experiencing Physical Discomfort

Welcome and thank you for considering taking part in this online survey.

This survey aims to identify the level of individuals' awareness of smart home technology, their current usage of it at home, and areas where improvements can be made or where problems are encountered in its use or access. The survey is for individuals aged over 18, particularly those experiencing any type of physical discomfort. You can participate in this survey even if you don't know or have never used smart home.

 This survey ensures that all participants' personal information is kept confidential and anonymous.

 The survey consists of 19 questions in total and is expected to take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

No identifiable personal information will be collected and so your participation in the study will be confidential. The anonymous data will be used in student dissertations. No individual will be identifiable in any report, presentation, or publication. All information will be securely stored on the University computer systems. Anonymised data will be retained until the final project marks have been verified, expected 30/09/24.

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▷ The purpose and details of this study have been explained to me.

 I understand that this study is designed to further scientific knowledge.

 I have read and understood the information sheet and this consent form.

 I have had an opportunity to ask questions about my participation.

 I understand that taking part in the survey is anonymous, only non-identifying demographic information will be collected, e.g. age, gender.

 I understand that this questionnaire includes questions about health status and physical discomfort experiences.

 I understand that I am under no obligation to take part in the study and can withdraw during the survey by closing the browser but will not be able to withdraw once my responses have been submitted.

 I understand that information I provide will be used for the student’s dissertation.

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