Sign Up for the Birthday Club!

Description: Children up to 9 years old are eligible to signup for the club, and members will receive a birthday card during the month of their birthday!  They'll also receive a Birthday Coupon redeemable at Somerset Public Library to receive a new, free book.

Please complete additional sign up forms for each child.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name of Child *
Last Name of Child *
Mailing Address (include city and zip) *
To help us select a card that your child might enjoy, please let us know if they have a preference for themes or styles
Birth Month *
Birth Day *
Birth Year *
Email Address of Parent or Guardian *

I authorize Somerset Public Library to collect and share my child’s name and home address for the purpose of mailing personalized birthday cards. I understand that this information will be accessible to vetted library volunteers and will be used exclusively for this program.

Where did you learn about this program? *
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