Application for Approval for Teacher-Created Course for Distance Learning Proxy Hours - Unit Completion
Minnesota Adult Basic Education (ABE) teachers who have created a course for their students on a Learning Management System (LMS) that does not track time-on-task may use this form to request unit-completion proxy hour approval. To view all application questions in a single document prior to completing this form, go to

For more information about building a course, including questions about policy, reporting hours in SID, and links to resources, go to:

In order to be approved for proxy hours, a distance learning course must offer students opportunities for both instruction and practice.

Content should be appropriate for Adult Basic Education students and be eligible under ABE policy (see for eligible content areas).

When posting content online, it is important to respect copyright law. We encourage teachers to use Open Educational Resources (materials openly shared and made available for teachers to reuse), such as those from or Khan Academy. If you use copyrighted materials in your course, you should review guidelines such as those at: and to make certain your use is allowable and does not violate the rights of content creators.

When considering copyright and fair use issues, keep in mind whether you plan to share this course with other instructors. Uses that may be acceptable under fair use guidelines for individual teachers may not be acceptable if the course is published for others to use.
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Email *
Person submitting this form *
This should be the same as the person who created and will teach the course.
Email of person submitting this form *
Program Name and Consortium *
What Learning Management System (LMS) or website is this course built on? *
Provide a link to your course if it is accessible for review.
Unit Completion Proxy Hours Information
In the next questions, describe the process for determining unit-completion proxy hours and how those are calculated.
What constitutes or defines a module or unit of content, and what triggers module completion? *
Number of proxy hours requested per completion of module/unit. *
Total number of proxy hours requested for this course. *
Please describe the process used to determine the proxy hour amounts listed above. *
DL policy strongly recommends that you pilot course materials with students to gather data prior to calculating the proxy hour awards.
Please describe your proxy hour reporting process (the report or system you will use to determine when students have completed units, frequency of reporting, etc.). *
We strongly recommend including screenshot images, screencast videos, or sample proxy hour reports to document your reporting process.
Does the Learning Management System (LMS) used to create this course have a system for tracking time-on-task? *
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