Digital Citizenship Survey
Please respond to each question below and click Submit to complete the survey.
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How would you describe digital citizenship? *
Do you consider yourself to be a conscientious digital citizen?  *
Please explain your answer to the previous question. *
What is your age range (for demographic purposes)? *
Do you have access to high speed internet either at home, or at work? *
What is your comfort level interacting with the digital world? *
Only Interact as Much as Necessary
Extremely Comfortable
What are the primary ways in which you interact with the digital world? (You may select more than one answer) *
Do you feel that your digital/online actions and activities are secure? *
Do you utilize websites or Apps to track your health and wellness? *
How many hours per day (both work and personal) do you spend in the digital environment? *
Do you allow your children to have their own digital devices? *
If "Yes", at what age were they allowed their own device? *
Which apps do you utilize most throughout the day? (you may select more than one) *
Are your social media accounts open to the public, or restricted to only family and friends? *
Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone in an online or digital environment? *
If 'Yes', was this person someone you also know in the physical world? *
Do you post about political, religious, or other possible divisive topics on your social media? *
Which do you feel is the most negative part of interacting with the digital world? *
Have you ever felt self-conscious about a social media posting, and later deleted it? *
Do you feel that your activities and actions in the digital world have an effect on your life in the physical world? (Please choose One answer) *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
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