Waiting List: Birth First Aid for Mother and Baby

The True Midwifery Birth First Aid for Mother and Baby course has been running since 2022 as a series of 5 workshops via Zoom given by Ruth Ehrhardt (True Midwifery) and supported by Samara Hawthorn (WellMama CIC) and Lana Petersen (Home Birth South Africa and Lalilu Doula Care).

This course offers a non judgemental and, home birth friendly platform for birth attendants from around the world to share, discuss and learn potential issues that may arise with mother or baby at a birth.

It is free birth supportive and friendly and open to ANYONE attending births at home in ANY capacity.

The course has been popular and a rich learning space for the diverse groups of people who have attended the workshops.

The course has moved onto the Teachable platform alongside the other True Midwifery and WellMama offerings.

The course now includes pre recorded video demonstrations and support material and access to the online platform will run for 4 months with the options of joining group calls and sessions, or doing a self study route with the option of 1:1 coaching as an extra option should you need it.

As always in the True Midwifery learning space, we remain committed to upholding the component of equality and accessibility by ensuring a sliding scale of costs for the courses, as well as making scholarships available to those who need it.

For returning students, we also commit to offering generous discounts to our previous students.

We plan to run this new format of the birth first aid course in Feb/March of 2025.

If you would like to be notified when bookings open, please add your details to this WAITING LIST so that you can be the first to know when bookings open!

We would also appreciate some feedback from you regarding your needs for the course - this helps us ensure we meet participants’ needs.

Yours in deep appreciation,

Ruth and the True Midwifery Cohort

Welcome to the True Midwifery Birth First Aid course - Now Available via Teachable! - get a sense of the course and the material

What we will cover in the Birth First Aid for Mother and Baby course:

    • Helping Babies Breathe and Helping Mothers Survive philosophy
    • Creating and maintaining the basic needs of the mother and baby in an emergency situation
    • How to create an emergency care plan (without it causing too much adrenaline!) and support transfer to the hospital
    • Helping babies who are struggling to breathe at birth
    • Dealing with more than normal blood loss after birth
    • Preventing and dealing with shoulder dystocia
    • Cord Issues
    • Surprise breech
    • Herbs and homeopathy to support the above 
    • Storytelling, sharing, and learning from one another’s experiences
    • Our own recovery (mental, emotional, and physical) 
    • Creating a support network
    • Death and disability
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