Pietre Vive Interest Form
Welcome! Pietre Vive is an international Catholic and ecumenical organization for young adults (ages ~18-39) that evangelizes through the beauty of sacred art, architecture, and music. The group includes opportunities for prayer, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, theological and art-historical formation, and service to others through guided visits of churches, as well as international workshops. See pietre-vive.org or Pietre Vive on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube for more information.

After you've filled out the form, we'll will reach out by email.  Additionally, feel free to contact boston@pietreviveusa.org with questions or for more information. We look forward to meeting you!
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Current city/Boston neighborhood of residence *
I am a young adult (about ages ~18-39) *
Why are you interested in Pietre Vive? (optional)
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