We are the Mental Health Training Landscapers (MHTL), and we are hoping to document trainings that address mental health in Baltimore City.
Why are we doing this?
We want future community organizations, researchers, and policymakers to use this information to direct investment in our neighborhoods where it is needed most! We recognize that fellow community members have experienced trauma on several fronts, structurally and systemically. Training that supports mental health--like Trauma-Informed Care, Restorative Practices and Mental Health First Aid to name a few--are resources that can provide service providers and residents the skills needed to respond to such trauma. Therefore, we hope to determine where trainings are currently held and identify areas of strong support and areas that could benefit from additional support. We hope to use the information you provide to put together a research brief that will summarize the geographic spread of trainings as mapped to neighborhoods that have had high exposure to traumatic events. We will release a working list of training offerings every two weeks to help promote upcoming trainings and to share the great work that is happening in the city!
Note: We are also interested in learning about trainings that are open and accessible to Baltimore city residents (for example virtual trainings open to community members).
We are looking forward to learning more about the types of mental health trainings that your organization offers.
If your organization doesn’t currently provide trauma-informed care or mental health trainings, you would like to learn more, or if you have additional questions or would like to provide more information, you can reach us at
ann@healingcitybaltimore.comYou can upload any mental health training flyers, materials, and/or evaluations here: