MGTX82 Quiz on Organizing for Growth - Hypothesis Testing
One of the earliest activities you'll do in a startup is begin prioritizing which of your assumptions are most important to understanding the market needs you will actually serve and the actual features and benefits you'll build into your solution. Hypothesis testing is a way to enact the build-measure-learn cycle of lean startup, and that's what you're doing in a separate activity in this module. 

This is a quiz on hypothesis testing that draws from readings in Eric Ries' book and Ash Maurya's Running Lean book. THose references and chapters are specifically found at:

Like the other quiz, you can use as much time as you need and access the materials in the books above as much as you need; you are strictly forbidden from getting help from another person to take this quiz. Complete this quiz by the last day of the winter interim session for full consideration. It's 5 points.

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1. According to Eric Ries startups should use this to generate validated learning
1 point
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2. Validated learning is important because it can allow you to
1 point
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3. According to Eric Ries, startups exist primarily to
1 point
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4. The "pivot" in lean startup terminology means
1 point
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5. Which of the following is the formula for crafting a falsifiable hypothesis? (Maurya text)
1 point
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