SBDS Application for Membership and Enrollment 2024-25
Member in this form refers to the primary responsible adult

Tuitions and fees are due on the first school day of the semester and are non-refundable. Books, materials or online app costs are additional. 
Annual Membership Fee: $40 
Tuition per Semester: Youth Class: $460; Teen/Adult Class: $480 

2nd student $60 | 3rd/4th/5th student $120 
A tuition discount is given for multiple students of the same family. 
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Email *
Type of enrollment *
First name *
Name of the member (responsible adult), not of minor student.
Last name *
Name of the member (responsible adult), not of minor student.
Additional email (of responsible adult(s))
Street address (e.g. 120 Main Street) *
City *
ZIP code *
Phone *
Volunteering *
At SBDS we rely on our members' active participation and expect members to volunteer a minimum number of hours per semester. In addition, we welcome deeper engagement with the school (supporting the school's events, our hospitality team, social media posts etc). Reach out to if you are interested in doing more. Please indicate your choice for volunteering below: 
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