Novy's Ark Foster Application
Thank you for your interest in fostering! Please take the time to fill out this questionnaire to help us find a good fit for you and for our pups. PLEASE NOTE WE RESPOND BY EMAIL WITHIN 48 HOURS SO PLEASE CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL IF YOU DO NOT SEE A RESPONSE Thank for for considering fostering! 
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Email *
Date of Application *
Full Name of Applicant *
Phone Number *
Why are you interested in fostering? *
Are you looking to foster a certain sized dog? Ages? Gender? Temperament? Please tell us anything else you would like us to know to help match you to the right foster dog. *

What situations do you feel unprepared for?

Please list the full name of all other adults in your household and their relationship to you: *
Please list the ages of any children in your household:
Address  (Street, Apt, City, State, Zip) *
In what type of home do you reside? *
Do you rent or own your home? *
If you rent, please include your landlord's name, phone number, and general policy towards pets:
Do you have a yard? *
If you have a yard, is it fenced? And how high? *
If your yard isn't fenced, what is your solution to keep your foster safe?
If you don't have a yard, what is your solution to keep your foster exercised and stimulated?
Do you currently own pets? *
If Yes, how do they interact with new dogs in the home?
Please List type, breed and age of current pets:
Are your current pets up to date on vaccinations including Bordetella?
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Are your current pets spayed or neutered?
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If your current pets aren't vaccinated, spayed, or neutered at this time, please explain why:
Is everyone in the household in agreement to foster and care for a dog temporarily? *
Is anyone in your household allergic to dogs? *
Where will your foster spend daytime hours? *
Where will your foster spend nighttime hours? *
Average # of hours foster will be alone in a 24-hour period: *
Please rate your dog training experience level: *
What is your philosophy on disciplining dogs? *
Have you ever lost a pet to an accident? *
If you have lost a pet to an accident, please kindly explain the circumstances:
Do you understand that sometimes a complete history and temperament of a rescue foster may not be known? *
Do you understand that changing a dog’s environment may cause even a housebroken pet to have accidents and are you willing to take the time to housebreak a foster? *
Do you agree to contact us if you can no longer keep this foster for any reason? *
Will you be willing to let our representative visit your home by appointment? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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