Aumsville Elementary College Career Expo Exhibit
Please fill out this form if you are planning on attending our College & Career Expo. Fill it out to the best of your ability so that we can ensure that we are able to provide you with the best space. 
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Company/College Name:
Who is your point of contact for this event?  *
Point of contact email: *
Point of contact phone number: *
How many employees will be at your booth?  *
Are you bringing any interactive items, or items that will need additional space?  *
If yes to the above question, please give a brief description.  
What will you need for your space? Check all that apply.  *
Does anyone attending have any dietary restrictions?  *
If yes to the above question, please state below. 
Would you like one of our team members to contact you about the event and how to prepare for it?
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