Rotary - Flag Subscription Form
If subscribing, please provide the following information:

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Email *
First/Last Name: *
Phone: *
Number of flags ordered:  (subscription price for initial flag for initial two years for one flag is $75, for one year $50 ) If you choose to have an additional flag(s), the subscription price is $60 for two years and $40 for one year for an additional flag at the same location. *
Billing Address, assuming Kirksville MO  63501: *
Flag site, if different from billing address:
Your name, if courtesy submission by a Rotarian:
Someone will call Missouri One to have your utiliites marked.   This will occur a few weeks before the hidden base is installed. Thank you for your support.   Add any special instructions below.
Upon conclusion of submitting this information, you will be asked to submit payment.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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