Financial Aid Application
Malashock Dance believes that dance belongs to everyone. If you are facing financial barriers to accessing our classes please fill out this form to be considered for our Financial Aid Program. Our financial aid program includes scholarships as well as chances for work-study trade. If you have any questions or need assistance with this application please contact or call 619-260-1622 x1
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Email *
Applicant Name:
Applicant Age: 
Parent or Guardian Name (if under 18)
Phone Number:
Statement of Need - Briely Explain why you are requesting financial assistance
Are you willing to accept work-study trade as financial aid?
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Which amount of aid would allow you to attend classs?
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I agree that in return for a financial aid award, I will provide a testimony or short story about my experience in dance classes (written, audio, or video) for Malashock Dance to use at their discretion. I understand that I can request this testimony be kept anonymous. I also understand agreeing to provide a testimony is not a determining factor as to whether or not I am granted a scholarship. 
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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