CSI Application Form (Student Section)
Student Application for Admission
Chelan School of Innovation (CSI) is a high school in the Lake Chelan School District that focuses on project-based,
interest-driven learning and personalized education. CSI is not a credit-retrieval program or traditional alternative
school. CSI is a school that allows students to explore their passions, talents and curiosities. CSI emphasizes 21st Century skills such as leadership, entrepreneurship, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. Students attending CSI will work closely with advisors, community members and mentors to establish internships, set personal, academic and career goals, and take personal interest projects from concept to completion.
Chelan School of Innovation is another pathway for students in the Lake Chelan School District. Expectations are
rigorous, and applicants must understand that CSI is not “the easy option.” It is the expectation of students attending
that they assume ownership of and are responsible for their education. Attending CSI requires a high level of
independence, accountability and creative initiative. Students must be self-driven and have strong time management
skills. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to become familiar with the CSI learning model prior to applying.
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Email *
Applicant Name *
Today's Date: *
Address *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Current School/Grade *
One teacher that would recommend me for CSI would be (please type name of teacher) *
Do you have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)? *
Do you have a 504 Plan? *
Please list any health concerns or restrictions: *
Please list any social/emotional concerns or restrictions: *
Have you ever had any discipline issues? *
If yes, please explain: *
Please describe your academic history and school experience *
Why are you applying for admission to Chelan School of Innovation? *
What are your interests/hobbies? *
What are some things you are curious about? *
How would your peers describe you? *
Tell us about a difficult time in your life from which you learned a valuable lesson *
What are some of your short and long-term goals? *
Describe your vision of your future. What kind of lifestyle do you want to have? *
CSI requires a high level of independence, accountability and creative initiative. Explain what motivates you.Specifically, how will you keep yourself accountable to your education? *
At Chelan School of Innovation, students learn by pursuing their interests. Students work with their advisor, mentor and family to develop an individualized learning plan. Tell us what you want to learn about at CSI. Tell us what interests you might like to pursue, what projects you might want to attempt or where you might like to get an internship. *
I agree to take responsibility in developing and fully participating in the educational program at Chelan School of Innovation. This means that I will engage in interest-driven projects, internships, community service, and participate fully in my Advisory group. I understand how CSI is different than a traditional school model and that if I do not meet the expectations of CSI, that I will return to Chelan High School or another educational setting. By typing my name, I agree to the statements made above. *
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