21.10.2023 In Numbers, Stories and Their Voices: Calling of the Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong  多元共鳴: 少數族裔社群的數據、故事和聲音研討會
Sorry! We have reached the capacity limit. Thank you for paying attention to Hong Kong EM issue! If you are interested in the content of the event, you are welcomed to contact us by email at daniel.ng@hkcss.org.hk . We are pleased to share our findings with you!
抱歉!參加者人數已達上限。謝謝你對香港少數族裔議題的關注!如你對研討會內容有興趣,歡迎電郵 daniel.ng@hkcss.org.hk 聯絡我們。我們樂意分享研究成果!
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