Lego League Application
Applications DUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH BY 3:00 PM!!!!!!
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About First Lego League and Expectations
What is First Lego League or FLL?

FLL is an opportunity for students to be part of a team.  We have two teams at Armstrong, both with only 10 students, for a total of 20 students being able to participate for the whole year. Students must currently be in 5th or 6th grade to participate in Lego League.  There is a competition, which historically, has been held at Granger High School on a Saturday in February.  We will not know the actual date of this event until later in the year.  This is an all day event.  If you know that committing to be at an all day competition for FLL would not be possible to attend due to sports or other commitments during February/March, then please be honest with us and with yourselves.  We need our whole team every step of the way!  

FLL is more than just building with LEGOs!  Yes, we do need to do some building with LEGOs to put our Robot Games tables together.  Then we do need to be creative and innovative as we create our Robot to complete the tasks for the competition.  That is definitely the fun part of FLL.  However, the bigger and more important component to FLL is our project and innovative project.  Our team members will be expected to work together to come up with an innovative way of solving a challenge for the competition.  They will need to research, experiment and create a presentation to present at the competition.  This is the heaviest weighted part of the competition.  We will need every member of our teams to be dedicated to making this project the best they can.  It will require work!

The final component to FLL is teamwork and First Lego League Core Values.  Our teams are expected to express the FLL philosophies of Gracious Professionalism and "Coopertition" through our Core Values:

Discovery: We explore new skills and ideas.
Innovation: We use creativity and persistence to solve problems.
Impact:  We apply what we learn to improve our world.
Inclusion: We respect each other and embrace our differences.
Teamwork: We are stronger when we work together.
Fun: We enjoy and celebrate what we do!

What are Armstrong's FLL Expectations:

FLL team members will be expected to attend our team meetings.  They will be held Thursday and Friday MORNINGS at 7:30 AM!!  This is a change from last year, so please note the day and time changes.  Students chosen to be on FLL are expected to be on task, be respectful of others, follow directions, be kind, be a team player, and follow the FLL Core Values.  Once again, this is something they will be judged on at their competition.  If students are not coming to our team meetings or are not following any of these expectations, they will be replaced with an alternate.  When so few students having the opportunity to participate, we expect full participation from each one.

After reading what FLL is and what is expected, if this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, then please fill out the form below and click submit!  We will review the applications and contact you through email whether you make it or not.  So please make sure your student email and parent email are correct!

We are looking forward to an Amazing year of First Lego League!!

Applications DUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH BY 3:00 PM!!!!!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to:

Mrs. Dougal -
Mrs. Rugg -

Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's school email *
Grade *
Teacher *
Tell us why you want to be on our Armstrong Lego League teams? (NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLYING STUDENT) *
Tell us what strengths you will bring to your team? (NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLYING STUDENT) *
Did you participate on one of our Armstrong Lego League teams last year?  If yes, please tell us what you learned from your experience. *
Parent Consent (parents please type your name below if you have read the  section "About Lego League and Expectations" with your child, and agree to have your child participate in Lego League) *
Parent email *
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