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New Faculty Professional Learning Communities: Sustaining Pedagogy, Scholarship, and Community
This semester, we will offer two Professional Learning Communities (PLC's) for new faculty (first or second year at SFSU). One will meet in person and one will meet online. These PLC's will focus on collaborative knowledge building and support around teaching and scholarship as you begin your tenure-track journey at SF State. Please indicate below which PLC you would like to join.
In Person PLC: Friday Mornings 9:30-10:45 (with optional co-writing session 10:45-12:00) in LIB 242
February 9
March 8
April 12
May 10
Zoom-Based PLC: Monday Mornings 9:00-10:30
February 19
March 18
April 15
May 20
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Last Name
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Email address
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Which new faculty PLC would you like to join?
In person PLC: Friday morning meetings
Zoom-based PLC: Monday morning meetings
I am interested in a new faculty PLC for future semesters but am not able to attend either of this semester's options
Thank you!
We will send out calendar reminders prior to each PLC meeting. We look forward to seeing you soon!
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