Davies Park: Have Your Say!
Did you know that the largest greenspace in West End is not actually a public park? Zoned as "Sports and Recreation", more than half of Davis Park is covered by nine different leases.

The dramatic growth of the South Brisbane and West End populations has led to less greenspace per resident than New York City! This puts a lot of pressure on the limited greenspace that exists around the Gabba Ward.

And while tenants of Davies Park can play an important role in maintaining and managing facilities, it's a problem when the public does not get a say in how this significant greenspace is used or managed. 

HAVE YOUR SAY for the future of the Davies Park by letting us know your thoughts below.
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How often do you currently use Davies Park *
Are you happy with the way Davies Park is being managed right now?  *
How satisfied are you with current accessibility (public access) of Davies Park?  *
What would you do with more space in Davies Park? 
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