DePaul University IBEC Pre-registration 2023-24
If you are interested in one of our four on-line asynchronous IB Educator Certificate program please complete the form below.  We typically respond to inquiries within 72 hours. You can also email us at 
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Registration re-opens July 10, 2023
The IBEC at DePaul University enroll students continuously except for 2 weeks at the end of the fiscal year. Program registration is paused and restarted  approximately 2 weeks for routine LMS related maintenance. Our last registration period ended June 26, 2023.    
Thank you for interest in our IBEC programs at DePaul! Please share a little about yourself and your interest in the  IB certificate courses DePaul offers. Feel free to also email us directly with any question.
Name *
Email *
DePaul University is located in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Our IBEC program has enrolled educators from over 70 countries. Where in the world are you? *
I'm interested in completing: *
We'd love to know more about your IB certificate journey. You can share a brief statement of interest below or use the space to ask us questions. 
Thank you again for your interest in the IBEC programs at DePaul University. Someone will contact you shortly. You can also email us directly:
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