Ekta Partnership Intake - Initial Form
Please complete each section and all the required fields to submit your request to become a partner with Ekta and launch your product(s) on EktaChain
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Email *
Contact person *
First and Last Name
Project Name *
What is the name of the project that would partner with Ekta
Project website *
Please do not include social media sites
Which Ekta product are you looking to partner with? *
Select at least 1 choice of partnership with Ekta
Does your project bridge blockchain with real world assets/business? *
Ekta aims to bridge blockchain with the real world. Does your project aim to do the same?
Give us a description of your project and how you envision your partnership with Ekta *
In your own words, what are you hoping for out of this partnership
Has your project launched yet? *
How many users will you onboard into Ekta's Ecosystem? *
What is your budget to partner with Ekta? *
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