Pledge Card for Financial Support
This is only a pledge to support a missionary/project at later date.  The information you submit will be kept private.   If you would like to begin donating online immediately, either a special gift or a recurring gift, you can do so at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
If married, please include first and last names for both individuals.
Who/What would you like to support?
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What type of support pledge are you making?
How often would you like to support the above?
Skip if you are not pledging financial support.
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How much will you be donating?
Skip if you are not pledging financial support.
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Would you like us to send you information on how to give?
We will email or mail instructions via USPS.  Skip if you are not pledging financial support.
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Please send me information on RMI's "DIRECTSupport", RMI's automated giving program (EFT).
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Phone (Home)
Phone (Work)
Phone (Cell)
Email #1
Email #2
Street Address 1
Street Address 2
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