For the last 17 years, Elks throughout the state have gathered at the Jersey Shore every February to participate in the John Sentner Memorial Plunge. The John Sentner Memorial Plunge is named after PSP John Sentner, the man who had the vision of Elks plunging into the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of winter to raise funds for Elks Camp Moore. On February 1st 2025,  we plan to jump together as a district during the event's 18th year!   Who’s ready to get a little chilly for a heartwarming cause?  

We are looking to get members from every Lodge in the district to join our team. Once we have an idea of how many people are interested, we plan to have a meeting to come up with a team name, set up a district fundraising goal, and set up at least one district fundraising event before the plunge on February 1st. We are also planning to order team t-shirts. 

Don’t want to jump? No Problem! You don’t have to Plunge to join in on a great day! You can still be a part of our team as a spectator at the event and be a part of the plunge festivities - 50/50, gift auctions, & food. It's a fun time and you'll be helping Elk’s Camp Moore! 

The formal registration page for the 2025 John Sentner Memorial Plunge is not up yet, but as soon as it becomes available, we will get that information to you.

We can't wait for you to join us!


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