It is very important to have an accurate count of students and instrumentation for our new season. Read the following information carefully and then complete the form to confirm your participation in the 2023-24 Jaguar Marching Band. WE HOPE YOU WILL JOIN US FOR ANOTHER AWESOME YEAR OF BAND!
TO CONFIRM YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN THE GVHS MARCHING BAND 2023-24, you must do the following:
1) Complete and submit this Google Form by June 5
2) Submit the Marching Band Dues of $160 per student (info below) by June 12
- Check payable to "QNC", in sealed envelope and placed in the Band Room Lock Box. Label with child's name
- Venmo to @QNC-GVHS (last 4 digits: 2643) Please include your child's name in the "What's it For"