Housing First Europe Hub - Housing First for Women - registration
As part of our series of informal discussions on 'emerging themes' in Housing First, the Housing First Europe Hub will host an online meeting to talk about Housing First for Women.
6 April 2021
9:00 - 11:00 GMT
10:00 - 12:00 CET
11:00 - 13:00 EET
Zoom - the link will be sent out by email ahead of the meeting

This session will provide an opportunity for anyone who is interested in learning more about Housing First for Women, to share their own experiences, and to consider how we can work together with colleagues from across Europe.  We will take time to get to know each other and hear from colleagues about experiences of Housing First for Women in Finland, Berlin & the UK.

Please take some time to fill in the form below and we look forward to seeing you in April!

Samara, Taina, Amanda, Pilvi & Charlotte

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Charlotte Riepe *
Sozialdienst kath. Frauen e.V. Berlin *
Berlin *
Germany *
Can we contact you about future Housing First Europe Hub events and activities? *
Could you tell us about your experience or interest in Housing First for women?  
Do you have any questions or information that you would like to share with us ahead of the event?
We look forward to seeing you 6 April.  We will send the Zoom link to the email address you have provided.   Please contact samara.jones@feantsa.org should you have any questions.
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