Chinese Level Test - Intermediate (HSK3-4)

🌟 Welcome to the Chinese Level Assessment Test by SN Mandarin Teaching Department! 📚 This test will help you quickly understand your Chinese proficiency level. 🚀

🎯 This assessment is ideal for those who have already learned and speak Chinese at a pre-intermediate level, equivalent to HSK3-4 (with a vocabulary of 600-1200 words and knowledge of most basic grammar). 💪

⚠️ Please note that there is NO Pinyin above the questions or answers.

📖 This test primarily evaluates your reading and grammar skills, assuming your conversational ability is at a similar level. If there's a significant disparity between your conversational and reading levels, or if you can speak but can't read Chinese characters, please inform us and schedule a live online conversational assessment. 🗣️

ℹ️ If your Chinese level is around HSK1-3 or higher (HSK5-6), this test may not be suitable for you. In such cases, please inquire about our other available tests. 🔍

Best Regards,

SN Mandarin 🇨🇳

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