2025 Market Adjustments
Per the Local 88 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Article 14, I, C
Every year, our union is able to propose some job classifications we want to study to see if people are being paid fairly.  We then negotiate with the County on which jobs we will study and look at the pay for different public employers to get the market rate.  Our goal is to increase wages in the job classes selected.

The County and our Union recognize the need for a fair and equitable compensation system and have agreed to review market data and negotiate compensation for selected classifications every two (2) years.

If you believe that your job classification is not being paid the market rate,  please fill out this form. The deadline for submission is Friday, August 9th. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Local Officers via: 88cabinet@afscmelocal88.org

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
What is your job classification? *
What department do you work in?
How long have you been in your current role?
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Do you think that your current compensation is competitive compared to similar positions at other public employers?
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Would you be interested in having your job classification included in the market rate study for next year?  
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How satisfied are you with your current compensation?
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If you are dissatisfied, please indicate the primary reason(s) why:
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If you need to indicate another reason as to why you are dissatisfied, please use this space here:
How important do you think it is to regularly review and adjust compensation based on market rates?  
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Do you believe that including your job classification in the market rate study would benefit you and your colleagues?  
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Do you have any additional comments or concerns regarding market rate adjustments or your current compensation?  
Why do you believe your classification is in need of adjustment?
Would you be willing to participate in studying and bargaining the upcoming market rate adjustments?  We rely on members to be the subject matter experts and study the comparison classifications for bargaining. 
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if your classification has been studied since 2017, please provide extra information as to why it should be studied again.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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