2024-25 UCLA Mock Trial Tryout Application
Please complete the following form by Tuesday October 8th at 11:59 PM in order to sign up for a tryout slot.
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Age *
Expected Graduation Year *
Are you a transfer student? *
Major *
Why are you interested in joining Mock Trial at UCLA? *
Do you have previous Mock Trial experience? *
Do you have any experience with speech/debate or any related activity? *
Do you have any acting, theater, or improvisation experience? *
What other activities/extracurriculars do you plan on being involved in? *
Please indicate the expected time commitment from these other activities.
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
Which role(s) do you want to try out for? Check all that apply. *
Note: If you wish to try out as an attorney, you must also try out as a witness. You do not have to try out as an attorney if you only wish to try out as a witness. If you try out as a solely a witness you must perform two different witnesses.
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