Big Basin Recovery Volunteer Application
Thank you so much for your interest in assisting with the recovery and restoration process at Big Basin Redwoods State Park! We've received an incredible amount of requests to help. To keep things organized, this form was created as a place to collect all potential volunteers' information. Please fill out the form and someone will contact you if we have a volunteer opportunity that might be a good fit.

If you'd like to help immediately, please consider a donation to one of our partner organizations' funds at

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Email *
Your Name *
Your Phone Number *
What type of support or volunteer opportunities are you interested in? Check all that apply. Please note that some volunteer opportunities are not currently available but will be in the coming months and years. *
Please describe any supplies, equipment, or artifacts you wish to donate.
If there's another way you'd like to volunteer or support the recovery process, please describe it here.
When would you be able to help? Check all that apply. *
What days would you be able to help? Check all that apply. *
Anything else we should know regarding your interest in volunteering for the Big Basin Recovery project?
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