Log Cabin Workshop 2024: Application
Big Mapping Class Groups
Young, AZ
January 8-12, 2024
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Application Form
Please fill out the form below to apply to the retreat. You should receive a confirmation email after you submit. If you need to change anything in a previous application, you can update the information instead of submitting a new one. Just follow the link provided in the confirmation email.
Full Name
As it would appear on a department webpage.
Preferred Name
(optional) if different from above
How many years until your PhD is expected/since you have obtained your PhD? *
E.g. -2 would be 2 years until PhD and +3 would be 3 years since PhD
Please rank the topics according to your preference. *
Participants will be asked to give a mini-course (together with a small group of fellow participants) on one of these topics. This ranking is non-binding.
Coarse Geometry
Actions on Hyperbolic Spaces/"Curve Graphs"
Big Out(F_n)
Algebraic/Homological Properties
Thompson's-like Groups/Asymptotically Rigid Mapping Class Groups
Topological Dynamics/Polish Group Properties
End-Periodic Homeomorphisms and 3-Manifolds
Other (please describe in the next question)
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
If you chose other, please describe the topic here.
Please tell us a little more about your research interests, why you would be a good fit for the workshop, and what you hope to get out of the workshop.   *
Please provide the name of one reference. *
If you are a graduate student, please use your advisor.
Please provide the url to your personal webpage, if you have one.
(optional) (A curriculum vitae is not required at the moment, but we may ask you to supply one later.)
Do you have any questions or comments?
I am not a Spambot
We welcome applications from robots if they are able to answer the following question.
What is your favorite surface?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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