Design Your Careers "Telugu for Beginners" Workshop
Wanna add a new language to your list of known languages?
Telugu Workshop is not a set definition. There are a lot of words, vocabs, sentences, writing structures that we need to learn. This Telugu Workshop is going to give you some idea of general basic information in Telugu. You will be able to learn things like writing letters, learning animal names, color names, learning poems along with their definitions, and much more. For this class, you will need to bring a paper/notebook and a pencil along with you to write down notes. You will be learning letters, numbers, words, slokas, and poems along with their meanings in the most fun way.

Who: Anyone who is interested.
When: Every Saturday: September 11 – October 9
Time: 12.00 PM - 1.00 PM PST | 3.00 - 4.00 EST (1 hr sessions)

Zoom Meeting Link (Details will be provided one day before class)
In case of any questions, please email or message us on FB
Visit for more details.

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I am voluntarily participating in the workshops and my participation in DYC activity entirely at my own risk. I hereby release Design Your Careers (DYC) including its members & volunteers from any type of injury while participating in this volunteer-driven workshop. I also understand that there shall be photos taken while classes are in progress for the website or marketing purposes. *
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