Development Survey
The survey is researching the functionality of Answering takes only a few minutes.
The results of the survey will be used as a part of the thesis. Answers are processed anonymously.

Small prizes are drawn among the respondents. If you want to participate to the lottery, leave your contact information at the end of the survey.
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Gender *
Age *
Hometown *
What device are you using right now? *
Does the website work correctly on your device? *
If you answered no to the previous question, could you tell why?
How satisfied are you with the appearance of the site? *
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
How would you improve the appearance of the site?
What information are you searching for? *
How easily did you find the information you were looking for? *
I didn't find it at all
Very easily
Was there any information missing on the site you needed? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, what information you would have wanted?
Are the current language versions of the site (Finnish, English) sufficient? *
If you answered No to the previous question, which languages ​​would you consider necessary?
How satisfied are you with the site as a whole? *
Very unsatisfied
Very satidfied
Other comments regarding the survey:
Contact information for the lottery (name and email):
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