Volunteer at IAESTE Berlin!
We are delighted that you want to join our team as a volunteer!🥰 Please fill out the following questionnaire so we can assist you in the best way possible. We are looking forward to meeting you 👋!
Please note, that you should be currently living in Berlin🌎 and speak German and English fluently.

Get in touch!


If you want to be a volunteer, we would love to hear from you :)
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First Time Hearing about IAESTE? 
Check out our website https://iaesteberlin.de/join to find out more. 
First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail *
Sprichst du verhandlungssicher Deutsch? *
Für die Kommunikation mit dem DAAD und unseren Partnern sind gute Deutschkenntnisse unabdingbar.
How good is your English? *
To communicate with our interns, very good English knowledge is required. 
What do you study? *
What university do you study at? *
What study period are you in? *
What semester are you in?  *
How old are you?  *
Do you currently live in Berlin? *
You should live in Berlin so that we can have meetings and person and so that you can help our interns who come to Berlin. If you live in another city in Germany, we suggest to find the IAESTE local commitee closest to you on www.iaeste.de.
Do you live less than 30 minutes away from the TU Berlin? *
It is not necessary to live close to the TU Berlin, but we have our office there and it would be more convenient.
How much free time do you have on average every week that you could dedicate to IAESTE? *
The IAESTE workload can fluctuate from week to week and depending on the seaon. For example, we get most of our interns in summer and we go through the ougoing process in winter. Inbetween, the workload is usually quite small.
Do you regularly have time on Sundays at 7 PM? *
Our general meeting takes place every week on Sunday at 7 PM. We do it over Zoom frequently, but we also get together in person from time to time. It is important to be there because every team member presents their weekly updates.
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