Teach at Splash for MIT!
Splash for MIT will take place on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, from 6pm to 10pm. Register your class here! If you would like to teach multiple classes, please sign a separate form for each class. Sign up to teach by Monday, January 29th at 11:59 PM EST.

If you have any questions about the event or about teaching, please email splash-for-mit@mit.edu.
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Teacher name(s) *
If applicable, put co-teachers here as well
How are the teacher(s) affiliated with MIT? *
Email address(es) *
Put the emails of all the teachers for this class, separated by commas. If you have a Kerberos, please include the @mit.edu.
Phone number of Primary Teacher *
For co-teachers, this should be the teacher most likely to answer their phone.
Phone number of Secondary Teacher
If more than one teacher exists, list their phone numbers here.  
Class name *
Class description *
Make people excited about your class!
Class length *
If you strongly prefer a class length not listed below, tell us in the comments section.
Comments for the directors
Let us know if you need anything for your class. If you have extensive questions, email them to splash-for-mit@mit.edu.
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