Albany Museum of Art Field Trip Application
All trips to the AMA are completely free and customizable to your needs. Please fill out the following information to the best of your ability and the museum educator will contact you as soon as possible to verify your trip. For questions, please call 229.439.8400.

All trips will be experiencing the exhibitions listed here:

Albany Museum of Art
311 Meadowlark Drive, Albany GA, 31707
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Email *
Persons Requesting Trip *
Class Subject
School/Organization Name *
School District
School/Organization Mailing Address *
School Principal or Administrator *
Contact Name *
School or Organization Phone *
E-mail Address *
Grade Level and/or Age Attending *
Are you requesting a self-guided or guided tour?
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If this is a guided tour, are you requesting to add on a hands on art project?
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Desired Field Trip Date & Time (Tuesday-Friday beginning at 10 am through 2 pm at 1.5 hours each) *Please provide a back up date in the case this date is unavailable. *Date MUST be at least one full week from today. *
Approximate Number of Students (30 Max) *
The number of Adult Chaperones (1 required for every 10 students) *
Do we have permission to take photos of your group to share with our social media accounts?
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You will be contacted by AMA's Director of Education to finalize your dates and customize your visit. Thank you! *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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