Association of Chinese Americans, Inc. Volunteer Registration for COVID-19 Relief                               美华协会新冠关怀行动志愿者招募
In response to the COVID-19 global outbreak, Association of Chinese Americans, Inc. (ACA) has established a COVID-19 Community Education Committee back in February.  Since the establishment, ACA has been vigilantly monitoring the situation and passing accurate information to the community. In addition, an informational video on health-related topics was created and a COVID-19 panel discussion with the MDHHS was conducted to keep the committee updated for any recent developments.  We would like to invite you to join us as the committee is entering the next phase of organizing local volunteers to provide essential help to the needy, especially seniors, people with underlying health issues and youth.

美华协会在新冠肺炎出现一始即特别成立社区教育委员会,除持续提供正确信息,制作保健视频和与州政府合作举办现场答疑会之外,同时帮助本地居民获知疫情的发展和密西根州的预备状况。在此全球及本地疫情紧张之际,密西根州所有学校关闭,同时也建议老人尽量减少出门。美华协会社区教育委员会也已进入下一阶段工作,将组织志愿者为本地有需要的民众提供帮助,特别是长者,長期病患和在家的青少年学童 。美华协会欢迎并鼓励本地有志于协助他人渡过疫情的朋友一起加入志愿者的行列。志愿者分为两个组群,长者关怀和青少年学童关怀。

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Age Group年龄 *
Contact Number联系电话 *
City所在城市 *
Would you like to participate in the ACA volunteer training?你是否愿意参加美华志愿者培训? *
Volunteer Category志愿活动内容 *
If you can offer online classes, what skills you can contribute? 如果你可以提供线上课程,你的技能是什么?
If you can help the delivery service, list the cities you are able to serve. 如果你可以协助采购和送货服务,请列举你可以服务的区域。
If you can call senior citizens, please list the languages that you can speak. 如果你愿意提供电话关怀,请列举你可用于交流的语言。
If you can help to promote and assist in Census registration, please list the languages that you can speak. 如果你愿意帮忙推广和协助人口普查登记,请列举你可用于交流的语言。
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