Educators Thriving Registration Form
We're glad you're interested in participating in Educators Thriving! You will learn concrete strategies to help you avoid the five pitfalls of the educator experience. Don't just survive. Thrive!
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
BPS Email (if known):
Personal email address *
Your School: *
Your Role: *
BPS Employee ID *
We will use this ID to verify BTU membership. If you are retired or do not have an ID, please enter 000000
Years of full time experience in education prior to this year: *
Why are you interested in taking part in the program? *
1 or 2 sentences to help us understand and design the program to meet members' needs.
The program has 3 sessions to offer. You may sign up for as many or as little as you would like. Please indicate the session and the time you plan on attending: *
This does not commit you to a session and/or date at this time. Instead, we're hoping to gather information about participant preferences.
Is there anything else that you would like to share?
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