Nth Screen Beta Feedback
Thanks for beta-testing Nth Screen, and being part of the multiscreen, multicamera revolution. Your feedback is much appreciated and will be used to improve Nth Screen.

Please complete as many questions as you can, even if briefly. The form is anonymous. We welcome your honesty and creativity in responding.
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What device are you using?
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Which model?
How well did the app support you and your friends in joining a recording group?
Not well at all
Very well
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Describe any group-related features you would add, remove or change
How well did the app support you in recording together?
Not well at all
Very well
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Describe any recording-related features you would add, remove or change
How well did the app support you in arranging a future recording session?
Leave blank if you didn't try this
Not well at all
Very well
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Describe any session-arrangement features you would add, remove or change
Leave blank if you didn't try this
How well did the app support you in viewing your recordings and mosaics?
Not well at all
Very well
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Describe any viewing features you would add, remove or change
Overall, what functionality would you like us to add, remove or change?
Overall, what did you like most about the app?
Overall, what did you like least about the app?
How would you describe the app in 1-3 sentences?
Anything else you'd like to add?
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