21 - 22 Annual End-of-Year Title-I Family Survey
Please complete this survey to let us know how to improve our programing for Title-I and other State & Federal grant programs.
Which school does your child / children attend? *
Overall, how do you feel your child(ren) did academically this year. *
If your child(ren) struggled academically, which of the following items might have impacted their learning. *
ATA plans to provide the following supplemental academic Title-I services to students for the 22 - 23 school year. Please let us know how important they are for the academic success of your child / children. *
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important @ this Time
After-School Skill Building - Kinder - 8th Grade
One-on-One / Small Group Support in Reading
One-on-one / Small Group Support in Mathematics
After-School Credit Recovery - High School
Summer Programs - Kinder - 8th Grade
24/7 Access to a Tutor
In addition to the services list above, are there any other ACADEMIC support services you believe would benefit your child for next year? *
The Academy recognizes that students need more than a strong educational program to be successful. How important are the following non-academic services to you and your child / children? *
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important at this Time
Social Work Services
Counseling Services
Career & College Planning
Behavior Management
Health / Nurse Services On-Site
Wellness Program
Safety / Security Officers
ATA also uses Title funding to provide other resources that impact student achievement and the instructional program at the Academy. Please let us know how important you feel these resources are to the success of the Academy's educational program. *
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important @ this Time
Computers / Technology in the Classroom / Home
On-Line Educational Programs & Games for Academic Practice
Family Engagement Nights
Trainings for Teacher on Instructional Best Practices
What types of activities would you be interested in attending at the Academy? *
Not Interested
Family Game Nights
Helping your Child w/ Math
Helping your Child w/ Reading
Science Experiments in the Kitchen
PSAT / SAT Practice
Movie Night
Parenting Tips for Managing Technology
Understanding the Curriculum
Understanding NWEA & MSTEP
What days and times are best for you and your family to attend events? *
Not Available
Weekdays After School ~ 4:00 PM
Saturday Mornings ~ 10 AM
Weekday Evenings ~ 6:00 PM
Weekday Mornings ~ 8:30 AM
Weekday Afternoons ~ Noon
The Academy's strategic plan includes several capital improvement projects. Please let us know how important each of these are for your child's success and well-being at the Academy. *
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important at this Time
Courtyard Expansion: At main campus: full commercial kitchen; relocation of lower cafeteria to ground floor and additional instructional areas on second floor.
Field House Extension: Health & Wellness areas and multipurpose room.
Early Childhood Development Center: 4800 Building - expansion to include 6 additional classrooms to relocate kindergarten & provide more instructional space at the Main Campus.
ATA needs parents / guardians to be a regular part of our Title & ESSER implementation, monitoring & evaluation plan, Family-School Compact and Family Engagement Policy. If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please leave your contact information below - Name, Phone Number & Email Address.
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