Neroche Woodlanders Donation Form
Thank you!

Thank you for making a donation to our charitable work. This form will enable us to take your donation easily and for you to let us know more about you.

The first part is about you and your donation. The second part is just for those who can add gift aid as they are taxpayers. 

Neroche Woodlanders Limited is a community benefit society (registered number 8179) and an exempt charity.
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Email *
Donor Name (First name and Surname)
How did you find out about us?
How much would you like to donate?

All fees will be taken out of the amount you donate.
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If you would like to give a different amount give the amount here:
What would you like us to put your donation towards?
Would you like to sign up to our quarterly newsletter to hear more about what we are doing with your funds? *
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