Austin, why do we love you so?
Public art is important to the life of many cities throughout the country, including Austin. That’s why the City of Austin has embarked on a public art master plan for the Austin–Bergstrom International Airport.  The plan, expected to be completed in 2017, will outline a vision and identify key opportunities for specific projects for current and future airport expansion.

In only ten minutes, you can help shape the future of public art in Austin by answering this brief survey. Your responses will help us to better understand where and how public art at the airport can have a strong impact in creating a sense of community pride and civic engagement.

This survey is just one of the ways that you can join the discussion about public art in Austin. For more information about the City’s Art in Public Places program, the airport public art master planning effort, and how to get involved, visit
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What one word would you use to describe Austin to someone who has never been here? *
What does Austin mean to you? *
Briefly sum up the experience of living in/traveling to Austin so that others might understand what makes it so special.
What is your favorite Austin landmark? Where do you take visitors? *
Are you aware that the City of Austin has a public art program at the airport? *
Do you currently consider the airport as a destination to see art? *
What would draw you to visit the airport even if you weren't traveling or meeting someone? *
What is the role of public art at the airport?  Choose up to five: *
Do you live in Austin? If so, for how long? *
What area or neighborhood of Austin do you live in?
Are you involved with the arts? Check all that apply. *
What is your age? *
What is your race or ethnicity? *
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
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