Undergraduate Legal Honors Society Membership Application
This form is for all interested in becoming a member of ULHS for the upcoming Fall 2022 semester. This application is NOT to weed out applicants, but for logistical purposes only. Applications have no hard deadline, but we'd appreciate responses by October 1st at 11:59 pm PST. 
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Email *
Name *
Email *
Year *
Major *
How did you hear about our organization? Check all that apply. *
Why are you interested in ULHS? *
What specialization of law are you interested in? *
What events (professional/networking) should ULHS hold for the upcoming semester(s)? Please check all that apply. *
ULHS will specifically be hosting a few law class sit-ins and observations this semester, please list below what classes you would like to observe. (ex. patent law, entertainment law, environmental and energy law, etc.)
What social events should ULHS have? Please check all that apply. *
I confirm that as soon as I submit this application, I will be a member of ULHS and will be responsible for attending at least 2 events per semester that ULHS hosts. I also confirm that I am okay with being added to the email list. *
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