PLC Group Screening
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Email *
What is your name? *
Would you like to be added to PLC's email contact list? *
Would you like to be added to PLC's WhatsApp Text Chat for Male Survivors? (Chat membership required to access our weekly LIVE Zoom podcast calls) *
What is your gender? *
What Phone Number will you be using for the WhatsApp Chat? (include your country code - US="1-"; if not joining the WhatApp ChatRoom, enter "N/A")  *
What COUNTRY is this phone number assigned to? *
Are you currently a member of Husband Material (helping men find freedom from P0rn Addiction)? *
  What is your Husband Material User/Display Name?  (ex: "John S"  or "J S" or "John Smith") -- if NOT a member, enter "n/a"
  History of inappropriate sexual contact/abuse/neglect (check all that apply)  
  As an adult (age 18 or older) have you ever sexually abused or assaulted a minor child (under age 18)?  
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