Nutrition Consultation Form

🌟 Welcome! I'm thrilled that you want to boost your health with improved nutrition 💪 Before our consultation, please take a moment to fill out the form below. You can expect an email from me shortly 📩

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out via email. I look forward to seeing you soon! 👋

Your Nutritionist, Jason Hoang

📧 Email: 🌐 Website:

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First off, what's your email address again? 👇 Please double check your email to make sure it's correct.


Awesome, and what's your first name and last name? 


How old are you? (age)


What is your height? (example: 5'5)


What is your weight (write in lbs or kg)?


How active are you?

ASL Version for the next question

Do you have any medical conditions? (e.g., diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, etc.) Please list them.

ASL Version for the next question

How much do you know about nutrition? (Circle 1-5)

I know a lot

How many meals do you eat per day?


Do you eat out or cook at home most of the time?

ASL Version for the next question

What are your concerns about your eating habits?

ASL Version for the next question

What are your goals from our nutrition consultation?


If you have any questions, please send email to or

By filling out this form, you give consent to store your information in my records. I will not share your personal information with any third-party.

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