Application for Student Parking
Parking permits can be purchased for $75.00 per year or $18.75 per quarter.

Student parking is a privilege, which can be suspended or revoked at any time for violating state and/or local traffic laws, along with the rules and regulations.

Students who have purchased a parking pass may park their vehicle in their assigned spot between the hours of 7:00 am and 2:50, unless they have an approved activity after school that requires them to stay later. Vehicles must be parked between the painted lines, and must be driven under the speed limit of 10 miles per hour while in the lot. Vehicles should be driven safely and must yield to pedestrians. Vehicles parked outside painted lines or designated parking spots may be ticketed or towed at the discretion of the school, at the vehicle owner’s expense. Students caught driving recklessly in the parking lot may be subject to disciplinary action.

The parking spots without numbers are for school staff, personnel, and others designated by administration. Any parking spots without numbers MAY NOT be used by students at any time. Student vehicles parked in these lots may be ticketed or towed at the discretion of administration. Students are prohibited from parking at the district administration office.

All family vehicles driven by a student must be registered in the Principal’s Office and a fee will be assessed.  The permit will be displayed on the rearview mirror and must be visible at all times while at school.  This permit will be valid during the current school year unless revoked for violation of the parking lot or school rules.

Parking permits are not interchangeable or transferable from one student to another.  The parking permit must be displayed in the vehicle it is registered to in the designated manner.

The school is not responsible for student vehicles, any possessions left in them, or anything attached to the vehicles. STUDENTS PARK THEIR VEHICLES ON OR NEAR SCHOOL PROPERTY AT THEIR OWN RISK. Students should be aware their vehicles are not protected in any way while in the parking lot, and items of value should not be left in or near the vehicle while unattended.

Students, individually or in groups, are not permitted to sit in parked cars or congregate in the parking lot before or after school.

Students have no reasonable expectation of privacy in cars parked on school grounds. School lots are regularly searched by contraband dogs, administration, and police officers. Students should be aware that items and spaces on school grounds are subject to search and view by others, and that prohibited items discovered during the course of a search may result in discipline including—but not limited to—expulsion from school.

Vehicles MAY NOT be parked or located in the bus lanes or fire lanes at ANY TIME. Bus lanes and fire lanes are clearly marked. Vehicles located in these locations may be ticketed and/or towed by the police.

Video cameras may be active in parking lots and may be used for the purposes of investigation into student misconduct. Discipline for misconduct includes all disciplinary measures in the student discipline code and/or withdrawal of parking privileges.

Visit the student handbook for all policies and procedures related to parking. 

The email address below must be from a parent/guardian email that is on file with PowerSchool.  

Check Handbook for Full Details:
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Email *
Student Email Address *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student ID Number *
Parent Last Name *
Parent First Name *
Parent Phone Number *
Grade Level *
Student Driver's License Number *
License Plate Number *
Make of Vehicle (Ford) *
Model of Vehicle (F-150) *
Year of Vehicle *
Color of Vehicle *
Parking Fee: Clicking the button below, you are authorizing the school to charge your student's account for the cost of a parking pass. This fee can be paid via MySchoolBucks.  Fees will not be immediately charged to the MySchoolBucks account. *
Student Signature *
By entering my first and last name and receiving the parking pass from the main office, I hereby agree to abide by parking lot rules, as stated in the student handbook.  I have also read the rules listed above in this survey.
Parent Signature *
By entering your first and last name, you agree to the rules as listed in the student handbook and those rules listed above in this survey. This application will not be approved if the parent email address above does not match the parent email in PowerSchool.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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