Opioid Response Network: TA Requests
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The Opioid Response Network is Here to Help You Help Others
If you need help with education and training for the prevention, treatment or recovery of opioid use disorders, stimulant use and other substance use disorders, you have come to the right place.
The Opioid Response Network provides tailored education, training, and educational resources utilizing evidence-based practices all at no cost to you.
Please complete the “TA Request Form” on this page. Within one business day, the person listed on this form will be contacted to get more information and get the process started.

Please provide contact information for the person who will be responsible for this request
First Name *
Last Name *
Role/Job Title *
Email Address *
Work Phone *
Cell Phone (if applicable)
Organization *
Street Address *
Address Line 2
City *
State or Territory *
Please Confirm Your State or Territory *
Zip Code *
Description of TA Requested *
The Opioid Response Network provides free education and training. Please describe the education and/or training goals of the request.  Provide any background information or context that you think would be helpful in understanding the request. (Note: A Technology Transfer Specialist will be in touch with you to get the details of the request)
Are you a grantee or recipient of your State’s Opioid Program? *
Please note that an affiliation is not necessary to receive Opioid Response Network Services
How did you hear about this Technical Assistance (TA) opportunity with the Opioid Response Network? *
Please choose the single option that matches most closely, or choose "Other"
Are you making this request on behalf of a Tribe or organization with a Tribal focus? *
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