EDA NM Rainforest University Center Seminar - Drinking Beer at the Bar, Finding Deal Flow
Complete this assessment to receive credit for viewing the July 16, 2020 New Mexico Rainforest EDA University Center Seminar, "Drinking Beer at the Bar, Finding Deal Flow" by John Chavez. Recordings and supplemental materials can be found at NMRainforest.com.
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UNM Branch Campus (if applicable)
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List a few organizations/events in Albuquerque and New Mexico that you can look up and look into to network with? *
True or False? There are still ways to network now even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions/crisis. *
What is one way you can network now during the Covid-19 pandemic? *
True or False? It is encouraged that you look at your finances 6 months into the future when seeking funding sources. *
Explain the "capital stack" in New Mexico. *
List the 6 capital funds in NM. *
True or False? It is important to understand what each venture capitalist is looking for before engaging in conversation about funding for your business. *
What is an exit strategy? *
Why is an exit strategy important? *
What fund was recommended for software or phone apps? *
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