Audition call "The Ho! Ho! Holiday Show 2022"
The American Center Hanoi is pleased to invite you to audition for the The Ho! Ho! Holiday Show 2022. Join us to create a warm and noisy Holiday vibe at one of the coolest music stages in Hanoi. 
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Google drive MP4 link

Name your video “AC Ho! Ho! Holiday Show 2022_Song Title_Your Full Name”

Upload your audition video of you singing acapella to Google Drive. The video should be less than one minute.

Create a direct link for your Google Drive video file. Make sure your file is available to Anyone with the link so that the judges can listen to your entry. 

Requirements for Audition Songs: Songs must be written in English. Pick any song that you think is relevant but keep in mind that they are not necessarily about Christmas. Songs which promote violence, hatred, racism, harassment or terrorism are considered inappropriate and not eligible.

Technical Format Requirements: Video submissions must be in .mp4 with at least 1280 x 720 pixels. Submissions should not have any visible watermarks, signatures, or personally identifiable information.

Your favorite artist/music piece and why?
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