Prospective Community Cleanup Locations
Each spring, Riverkeeper hosts a day of service for the Hudson River and its tributaries. The 10th Riverkeeper Sweep is scheduled for May 1, 2021 and we are looking for new sites in need of cleanups, removal of invasive plants, or other restoration projects.

If you're aware of a location with significant litter or that is overrun with invasive plants on your local shoreline, in your local park, or in your neighborhood, let us know through the form below. We are hoping to better understand where new cleanups or other restoration projects are needed, and aim to identify community members to lead projects there as part of the May 1, 2021 Riverkeeper Sweep.

For more information, visit and with questions e-mail Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator Jen Benson at
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Street address of prospective Sweep site: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
GPS Coordinates
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number (Please include area code) *
E-mail Address *
Are you interested in coordinating a project at this site? Riverkeeper will help you gain site permissions, recruit volunteers, and acquire necessary materials. *
Please share any other details or questions you have in the box below.
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